LiteCom Plus Headset
Hearing protection with built-in analog communication.
10.845,29 DKK Pris eksl. moms

Technical specifications
Protective Equipment
LiteCom Plus Headset
The 3M PELTOR WS LiteCom Plus Headset comes with a headband and has integrated pre-programmed two-way analog communication, Bluetooth MultiPoint connectivity, noise-canceling microphone and level-dependent function for ambient sound.
Use 3M PELTOR WS LiteCom Plus Headset for effective headset for headset communication in noisy environments. This headband headset protects the user from harmful noise while still communicating in noisy environments and hearing ambient sounds. The level-dependent feature and noise-canceling microphone help you hear important sounds from your surroundings and communicate with your closest colleagues without compromising your hearing protection. With integrated two-way radio for reliable communication and can be used with similar PMR radio communications. Includes Bluetooth MultiPoint connection for instant, seamless connection.